Member's Update 8/29

Membership Update



Issue Number 40

August 29, 2014

Refresh Yourself This Labor Day

Labor Day weekend is upon us! The next few days will be filled with time spent on the grill, among our friends and family, and hopefully in bed gaining a few extra hours of sleep. As you travel between celebrations, remember some key tips to making your weekend the best it can be.



Treason Against the British Crown 

“What if” can be the beginning to some very powerful questions. Much of what American history is today is the other side of the “what if” coin. On Septemeber 24 and 25, the officers of Boston Lafayette, Lodge of Perfection plan to answer a question surrounding one of our founding fathers: what if George Washington was captured during his military campaigns and brought before a British judge for treason?




Minor League History

Today marks what would be the 131th birthday of Stephen Carlton Clark. Who is Stephen Clark? He is a brother from New York and the founder of the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown!


Check out our webpage highlighting one of our brothers who knew philanthropy and the value of America's pastime. 



From Refreshment to Labor


As the masonic year starts up, so begins the preparations from the Valley of Boston for our One Day Class. Want to know when your bodies are meeting for rehearsal? Take a look at the calendar to see what everyone is doing to prepare for November 1.


Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite

Valley of Boston

Phone: 617.426.8228



© 2024 Scottish Rite Boston | 186 Tremont Street, Suite 705, Boston, MA 02111-1095 | (617) 426-8228 | All Rights Reserved
The Bodies of the Scottish Rite, sitting in the Valley of Boston, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, acknowledge and yield allegiance to the Supreme Council, 33°, of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, whose Grand East is in Lexington, Massachusetts.